The Gospel of Simon:

Revelation of the Sacred Mysteries

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In the tradition of the Gospel of Thomas and the previously lost Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Simon has now been published.  Attributed to the brother of Jesus, it provides an insider’s view of the ministry of Jesus, with explosive revelations.



The Gospel of Simon follows the ministry of Jesus, paralleling the synoptic gospels in the Gnostic tradition.  It contains the explosive revelation that Jesus and his followers used an entheogenic substance, referred to as the Holy Soma, as their Sacrament.  The early church founders used coded language to pass on the true meaning of the Holy Sacrament.  As a consequence of intense persecution and misapplication, the Sacrament became a symbolic representation of the original, while the moral teachings were continued.  Suppressed by the Christian church in conjunction with the power of Rome, the Truth is now revealed.  The Gospel of Simon: Revelation of the Sacred Mysteries decodes the New Testament gospels, presenting the reader with the revolutionary ministry that lead to the crucifixion of Jesus and the establishment of a new religion.


The Gospel of Simon: Revelation of the Sacred Mysteries may be purchased at the Amazon Bookstore, Barnes and Noble Bookstore, and Lulu Bookstore in hardcover, paperback, or e-book format.

The Gospel of Simon:

Revelation of the Sacred Mysteries

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